Log Analytics chart with labels and all using summarize and by

To create a chart showing requests and the average duration of requests, grouping the results per second based on the timestamp. This is how i did it…

| where timestamp > datetime(2018-11-16T16:00:00+1)
| where name contains"GetData"
| order by timestamp desc
| summarize RequestsPerSec = count(), AvgReqDurationPerSec = avg(duration/1000) by bin(timestamp, 1s)
| render areachart kind=stacked

So the first four lines are pretty self-explanatory.
Lets have a look at the line that starts with summarize.
The RequestPerSec is the name of the column where we store the count of rows. If we had not given it that name, it would have defaulted to count_.
The AvgReqDurationPerSec holds the average duration in seconds (defaulted to avg_). As the duration is in milliseconds we therefor devide it by 1000 to get it in seconds. We then use the by bin(timestamp, 1s) to group it in seconds using the timestamp.
To end it of we tell Log Analytics to render  the table as a stacked area-chart.